"The truth is, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are responsible for whatever place or situation you are in right now."
"Any self-improvement program or journey of personal development starts with your thoughts. Master your thoughts first. Then you can master your environment and circumstances."
"Dreamers chart their own course and destiny. Dreamers are always striving to be the person they were meant to be and are not afraid to be different."
"I am here to tell you that there is another way. It’s not for everyone. It’s not the only way. It’s not the easier way. Actually, it is more likely to be the harder way. But I guarantee you it is the best way. It is simply this – follow your dreams."
"We cannot exhaust the creative power of our minds."
"If your mind can accept that something is achievable, it will find a way to attain that thing."
"Your potential as a human being…is unlimited. You have within you the ability to become and to achieve anything you want."
"Your vision is limited only by you. The problem is that you don’t know what you should be. It’s not your fault, really: your education has messed you up. It has taken your boundless potential and shrunk it and shaped it into a narrow title."
"If something is widely accepted and everyone is doing it, it is probably better for you as a dreamer not to do it."
"It is your responsibility to get the correct knowledge so you can have the correct road map of life. Ignorance is no defense. Ignorance will kill you."
"The truth is that while you are not totally responsible for what does and doesn’t happen to you, you are responsible for how you respond to what happens to you."
"There is a big difference between wishing and being a dreamer. Dreamers design their ideal life and work to achieve it everyday. They don’t believe in chance or luck. Wishers wait on a genii to grant their three wishes all their lives. The problem is, if the genii were to ever show up they still wouldn’t know what to wish for!"
"It may seem hard to take full responsibility for your life, but ultimately you will find it is the single most empowering decision you will ever make."
"There is a reason why a lot of people don’t believe in positive thinking and that kind of thing. It is simply that they do not want to face the fact that their lives are totally in their own hands and they are afraid of the immense potential and results if they do so."
"The amount of effort it takes to fail is the same amount of effort it takes to succeed as far as the mind is concerned. It is your responsibility to provide it with the right seeds of thought."
“It is necessary to fully appreciate the things in life we often take for granted. Things like the trees and flowers, the feel of the sun on your face, the fact that you are alive and well and the smell of a rainy day. These are things that all add richness and meaning to life.”
“There are two things that you should always do in any place you work. The first is to add value to your workplace and the second is to add value to yourself.”
“It is a fact that the person who does not make an effort to perform at work is not the kind of person who will make an effort to perform when it comes to their own dreams, if they have any dreams to start with.”
“Your best bet to survive and excel is on yourself and your ability to adapt to change.”
“Never get into the habit of doing time. Make every day in your life count for something.”
“Remember that it’s not how much time you’ve worked that matters but what you have achieved within that time.”
“If you have a clear vision of where you want to be and what you want to achieve you will be more willing and able to change. This is because with this vision you will know what change is necessary in order for you to reach your intended destination.”
“The simple fact is that if you are successful within, in your mind, you will be successful on the outside as well.”
“The MD knows something the maid doesn’t. That is why he earns a hundred times more than she does.”
“Being employed is good. So long as it serves its purpose of allowing you to earn money and learn and grow at the same time. Times are changed and it is no longer enough to be employed all of one’s life and hope for a pension to take care of you at the end of your career.”
“Build something that will earn you a far better life than an award for most dedicated or longest serving employee. Become the employer instead.”
“Believe in the truth that your thoughts are the key to your destiny and your future. It cannot be put any simpler.”
“You should have a desire to advance yourself simply to make yourself a better person and get all the knowledge and skill that you can.”
“Work should be your learning ground for things you can use in your own life and business. Then it will no longer be just work. It will be your preparation for a better future.”
“Satisfactory performance simply does not cut it. Advancement requires something extra, above and beyond what is asked and required of you.”
“Advancement in life requires that you never get satisfied with where we are. However well you are doing, you can always do better. Increase is the law that you must live by. No matter how much you know, you can always learn more. No matter how much you earn, you can always earn more, no matter how much you give, you can always give more.”
“An open mind is crucial to making progress. Opportunities are everywhere, but without a mind that is curious and open to new ideas, they will pass you by.”
“If your mind is primed with the right knowledge you will be able to recognise opportunities and take advantage of them when others can’t see them.”
“Always challenge the norm and seek out the answers for yourself. Follow no one blindly. Do nothing without first seeking to understand why. Always keep an open mind.”
“Believe in yourself and the fact that you are different and what you think matters more than what society says.”
“Is it any wonder that the richest one per cent of the world's population owns 40 per cent of the total household wealth, while the bottom half of the world makes do with barely one per cent? The majority can be wrong. The reason they can be wrong is that they have the wrong assumptions about life, money and success.”
“Your assumptions can influence your attitudes and behaviours in a big way and so ultimately influence your future. It is always necessary in any given circumstance to ask the question “why?” before doing or not doing anything.”
“Any person who desires to be a great success and be a leader both to themselves and to others must not take anything for granted.”
“Remember that the only place where the shortest distance between two points is a straight line, is in mathematics. In real life the shortest distance is often a zigzag and twisted line. Make goals, but be flexible and don’t be handicapped by them.”
“There is a time for planning and there is a time for doing. One without the other is a waste of your time and energy.”
“Goals, by definition are meant to be ideals. However, that does not mean that in real life things will be so ideal. They are simply a guide, and you may have to adjust to realities as you go along.”
“Any man can be great if he makes up his mind to be the best person he can possibly be and to do what he does, the best way he can possibly do it.”
“The secret to attaining greatness is simply to do every small thing in a great way.”
“The evidence does not support the notion that excelling is a consequence of possessing innate gifts.”
“People hate the idea that if they found their talent and worked at it they too could find fame and fortune. The idea that only a few are gifted and can attain greatness is a big cushion for them to fall on and comfort themselves.”
“Greatness, I believe, is the ability to be all that you can possibly be and to bring out the very best in yourself consistently to such an extent that you make a lasting mark in the lives of other people and in the world at large.”
“The potential in every man is such that it cannot be utilised to its full extent without bringing about greatness.”
“It takes no more effort and energy to be great than to be mediocre. It is the application of that effort and energy that matters.”
“God desires that you be great.”
“Poverty has been erroneously substituted for humility and spirituality.”
“Get rich; that is the best way you can help the poor.”
“Your thoughts are the building blocks of your life and therefore they must be in harmony with what you intend to build.”
“Planting and watering a mango whilst you think about harvesting a pawpaw will never bring the pawpaw about. So working diligently towards riches, when you have planted the seed of poverty and lack in your mind will always produce poverty and lack.”
“The world will not run out of resources on you. Get rid of the idea that in order for you to have more someone must have less. There is more than enough to go around.”
“Work consistently but patiently. Know how you will get by on the way to achieving your dreams. The important thing is that you never lose sight of your dreams and never give up on them.”
“You should always know that things will work out in the end, but realise that it is you that is going to make them work out in the end. Therefore, things will not work out without your intervention.”
“Remember that it's better to be an optimist who is sometimes wrong than a pessimist who is always right.”
“Be willing to make mistakes, hold unconventional or unpopular positions, never be afraid to take on a challenge, always keep focused on your dreams and do whatever it takes to achieve them.”
“The very nature of life requires risk taking. A small child would never learn to walk, talk, or socially interact without taking risks, experiencing successes and failures, and then adjusting accordingly.”
“Before you jump into anything always understand what you stand to lose and ensure that it is outweighed by what you stand to gain.”
“Action is important for self-confidence to develop. With every small success you will be learning to take bigger and better risks.”
“It is a fact of life that despite all your best efforts at planning, strategizing and being careful not to make mistakes some things will go wrong sometimes.”
“Your attitude when things go wrong is ultimately more important than the event itself and is what will determine if the outcome will be positive or negative.”
“A positive attitude can be learnt and developed. It is a matter of choice. You can make the choice, whenever faced with a difficulty to look at it from an optimistic point of view rather than a pessimistic one.”
“Just remember that everyday you do not change is another day you kill the person you could become.”
“Time does not change things. We do.”